Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Top 10 Most Amazing Things I've Seen While Running:

10) School of dolphins swimming just off Fort Point.

9) Seals in the water near Emeryville Marina.

8) Fellow runners 80 year old uncle crossing the finish line.

7) Countless runners over the years with pictures of loved ones who have passed pinned to their shirts.  Awesome to see them dedicate runs to their loved ones.

6) Several Japanese kids (under the age of 16) running alongside their parents running the Honolulu Marathon.  (Not sure how I feel about this.)

5) The sight of champion wheel chair marathon participants every year I run the Honolulu Marathon.  Awesome to see them rolling down Diamond Head as I run up the 8th mile of the race.

4) Couple in their late 60s running their 100th Marathon.

3) Getting passed at the 26.1 mile by a 70 year old woman as I limped to the finish.

2) Seeing the runner with two prosthetic legs on the marathon course.

1) Crossing every marathon finish line with my brother and other runners I have trained with over the years.

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